Sunday, September 18, 2011


Recently I have been getting lots of corp members using gallente and amarr ships (cruisers) that are kinda disgusting. For some reason they are using Drones with only a turret or 2 along with tractors and salvagers. This is fine since one just reached cruisers and is new, another just hit BS and is working straight tank for lvl 4s (using 1 medium turret to pull), the last though is using an Amarr cruiser meant for tracking disruption and drones. Sure that can work if your using drones to complement your 2 turrets and 1 launcher, but he's using 2 tractors and specifically massing drone skills to do missions in. Why an arbitor? Why not a sexy Omen with 5 turrets and increased rate of fire? Or a Maller with 5 turrets, a NOS, and increased resists? I can understand gallente having a nice big use of drones, but amarr? your later ships don't even have drone bonuses!

Finally, why would you drop damage for tractors and salvagers??? If your doing lvl 2 missions your better off steam rolling through quickly and moving on, the loot isn't worth much. Sure, you'll need time to kill while you get good skills for later ships, but you could just as well go into low-sec and jump around some belts for some decent money (0.4 has some cruisers, and finding an empty system with lots of belts (gerper) turned up 750k isk for the 30 minutes or so i was in a kestrel...using rockets...).

I'll have to see more why people really like drones to the point of dropping gunnery skills in order to get them up to gallente BS lvls.